Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII Thoughts

I know I'm jumping on the train late with this, but I've been so busy that I didn't have any time to post my thoughts on this, so without further ado here are my thoughts on this upcoming game in the Final Fantasy XIII Franchise.

If you've been following along like I have and have played the two earlier installments of the Final Fantasy XIII games then you kinda could see that this was coming. For me personally, I genuinely enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2, but I enjoyed FFXIII over it's sequel for reasons that I think should be obvious. I can happily say that I'm glad that the Final Fantasy XIII Saga will hopefully(fingers crossed)  be getting a proper conclusion and the gamer won't be trolled by Motomu Toriyama again.

From the information that I've gathered about the game so far here are my pros and cons.

  • We will only be playing as Lightning now don't get me wrong I like Lightning as a character and all, but one of the fun things in the Final Fantasy Universe was travelling with a party or group of people.
  • The time limit and the whole clock aspects. I don't really like being on a time limit in RPG's or games in general because that leaves little time for exploration.
  • Familiar characters will be returning from the previous games like Hope, etc.
  • Lightning will have a lot of customization with outfits, abilities and weapons.
  • The art style and concepts for the areas look really awesome.

Concluding Thoughts

I'm excited for this game, can't wait until Square Enix releases more info about the game and will more than likely be picking up this game on it's release day.