Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Legend of Korra: A New Spiritual Age

It was great seeing Uncle Iroh again, he was the main highlight of this episode. Jinora was also great during this episode and she's very mature and wise despite her young age; even more so than Korra. If anything this episode was a build up for what's to come next. Overall, it was a solid episode. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Legend of Korra: The Guide

All I can say is finally! Now we're getting somewhere! Korra as a character was really enjoyable this episode for once this entire season. She was patient, mature, and on point. Mako on the other hand is a major douche bag. Even though I do prefer Masami over Makorra. I don't like the fact that Asami is eagerly running back into his arms after it's only been a week since Mako broke up with Korra. I mean, does Asami not even value her and Korra's friendship anymore? Idk I really think Mako doesn't deserve either of the girls and I can only pray that the pending love triangle of doom is not brought back into the equation because I got my fill of it during the first season. I sure in hell DO NOT want Korra to get back together with Mako. Korra is in it's final stretch of episodes and things can only get better from here on out. I'm actually excited for the upcoming episodes of Korra more so than I was before.