Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hiiro No Kakera Review


Talk about an anime with potential but ultimately falls short of the mark and spirals downward. 
Hiiro no Kakera is one of the many otome games (dating simulation games for girls in Japan) that was adapted into an anime this past spring and that has a 2nd season set to air this fall. I don't even know if I can stomach any more of the horror that this anime has left to dish out. The male characters are bishies with little to almost no personality except the're pretty things to look at. The main heroine of this anime is weak and has no character development at all in the whole span of the 1st season. She's a miko (priestess) in training and for the majority of the lst season she's trying to figure out how to awaken her miko powers which in turn goes nowhere. This anime left me with more questions and rarely gave me any answers. Lately, I've seen that these reverse harem animes that are coming out are lacking in plot, story and character development but I know that they can be done right. Fushigi Yuugi is a perfect example of a reverse harem done right, but of course it was adapted from a manga and not an otome game...


Don't watch this anime unless you have time to waste because that's what this anime is a big waste of time that will leave a bad taste in your mouth. You wish for character development, plot development and good story telling  but never get it. The only good thing that this anime has going for it is the music, the villains and the supernatural elements. I can only hope that the 2nd season will fix the major faults in the 1st season and will redeem this mess of an anime. This anime is a major pass.  

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