Sunday, March 24, 2013


For those of you who have been wondering why I've been m.i.a for the past few weeks it's because I decided whimsically to watch all 10 seasons of Smallville. At first the thought of watching all 218 episodes in which each episode is roughly 40 something minutes with the exception of some episodes being either shorter or longer can be a very tedious task. Growing up I never really paid attention to Smallville heck, I didn't even know that the show was about Superman until when I was in 8th grade by then the show was on it's 8th season. 

Smallville at it's core is the coming of age story of how Clark Kent became Superman and all of the trials and tribulations that he had to go through and overcome to get there. I greatly enjoyed this show as I've never really experienced it when it was airing on tv. It was fun seeing the characters develop over the seasons and grow as characters. My favorite 3 seasons are seasons 4,7 and 9. I enjoyed the beginning of season 8 until Lana Lang came back. Her coming back just soured the rest of the season for me, but her character did need a little bit more closure after what happened at the end of season 7.  

Main Relationships

ClarkxLana (Clana)

At first for me the Clark and Lana ship was cute and typical, but as the seasons went on it became nothing but an endless cycle of drama and annoyance and made me come to dislike Lana as a character more than I would have liked. I also didn't like the fact that whenever Lana was involved the writers of the show decided to make Clark a love sick puppy. After she left permanently the show became more enjoyable to me again.

ClarkxLois (Clois)

I really liked the build up to Clark's and Lois's romance. From starting off as disliking each other, to friends, and eventually to lovers. It was fun and exciting watching these two share the screen together and watch their always entertaining banter. Their relationship was very sensual and not as drama filled as the Clana relationship and as we all know that Lana may have been Clark's high school love, but Lois is Clark's true and one and only human soul-mate.

Overall, Smallville is a very spectacular show and everyone should experience or watch it at least once in their lifetime.

Score: 8.9

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