Monday, December 31, 2012

Sword Art Online


There are slight spoilers so read at your own RISK!!!!

As you can suspect with anything that has to do with a virtual reality things are not going to go smoothly and the virtual reality will soon turn into a virtual reality of hell. The premise and plot of the story for the most part is simple and nothing to surprising in general, but as the story unfolds the story became deeper and intricate. The main male lead Kirito and the main female lead Asuna were great leads and went through a lot of character development over the course of the anime. Sword Art Online for the most part kept me hooked, but there where some parts/spots where the episodes were slow story-wise and felt like filler episodes. The first story arc of Sword Art Online was fantastic, but I can't say the same for the Fairy/Second story arc of Sword Art Online. I strongly didn't like how Asuna's role was majorly reduced during this arc when she played a pivotal role in the first story arc, and I also didn't like the side story plot of Kirito's cousin having romantic feelings for him. That whole aspect was just kind of off putting to me.


Sword Art Online is a great anime and an anime that you should watch when you have some down time or nothing else to watch in general as it is a great anime to invest your time in.

Score: 8.7

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