Friday, August 23, 2013


Persona Series

I first was introduced to the Persona Series surprisingly and oddly enough through a Final Fantasy XIII-2 game demo on YouTube. In the comments someone commented that the music in the demo reminded them of the music in Persona 4. So, naturally my interest was piqued and I decided to check out this so called Persona 4 game and listened to the soundtrack of the game and thus the first game that I was introduced to in the Persona game series was Persona 4. I fell so in love with the music that I decided to actually watch a full walkthrough of the game and after that I've become a fan of the Persona series, and went on to eventually check out the other games in the Persona series.

The Persona series of games is a very unique and interesting jrpg. With it's intricate stories, characters, art style, and game-play mechanics that sets it apart from it's other jrpg counterparts.  

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