Sunday, January 20, 2013

DMC: Devil May Cry Mini-Review


I know when it was first announced that the Devil May Cry Series would be rebooted everyone's world seemed to have been turned upside down. At first I was adamantly against the new reboot of the DMC franchise, but as more trailers and information was released about the game I decided to have an opened-mind about the whole situation. After seeing and experiencing the game for myself I was quite impressed with the game overall. To be honest, I thought that this game would fall flat on it's face, but the game's execution proved me wrong. The Art Direction of this game is superb and amazing. The free-flowing combat is also varied and fun, but the one major grip about it is that there is not lock-on present at all in this game and that can at times be frustrating. The story was pretty good for the most part and so was the dialogue. I'm interested to see what direction Ninja Theory will take this game in if there is a sequel.

    I loved the relationship that developed between Dante and Kat over the course of the game and I like them not necessarily as a couple but as partners/companions.

This game was enjoyable overall and I personally thought is was a good reboot for the DMC Series. Yes, the game does have some rough spots and is different from it's predecessor but it's still a fun game.

Score: 9.0  

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