Monday, January 14, 2013

Jormungand Review


As I was watching this anime I felt like I was watching a crossover between the animes Black Lagoon and Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom both of which are excellent animes. The whole dynamic of an arms dealer traveling around the world with her 9 bodyguards was a very interesting concept to me. All of her 9 bodyguards have exceptional skills and almost always leave the battle fray unscathed. I really enjoyed the story for the most part, but in some parts the story kind of dragged down for me. The OST is suburb with the various orchestral music tracks. The two main characters of this anime are Koko and Jonah and it was interesting seeing their relationship develop over the course of the series, but I have a major gripe with Jonah as a character overall for the most part he's okay, but for most of the time he just seemed devoid of any emotion and that was a little irksome for me but it didn't ruin my whole viewing experience.


This anime is a gun-blazing good time with a great story, anime OST, setting, and character dynamic.

Score: 9.2

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