Saturday, February 23, 2013

Vampire Knight Chapter 90

It's official Vampire Knight is going to be ending in May. Where the story is currently now I have mixed feelings about the road that Vampire Knight has gone down. At this point I genuinely feel that after the whole Rido Kuran Arc the manga story-wise has struggled to find it's self and get out of the hole it's fallen in. Part of me thinks that the manga should have ended after the Rido Arc and leave the story on an open-ended type of note. Kaname in this chapter was a major ass and I personally just want him to hurry up and die. As for Zero I just hope that he lives a happy life because he really deserves it and truthfully he is the only character that I care about in this manga at this point. It took me too long to finally realize that Yuuki is a very shallow-slut and she doesn't even deserve Zero. Hino Matsuri is a troll she trolled all of this manga's readers. 

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