Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Cassandra Palmer Novel Series

Contains slight SPOILERS!!!

I've enjoyed the Cassie Palmer Novel Series since middle school, but as the series continues on I feel that it's lost some of it's original flair and appeal. Lately, in each new iteration there seems to be a huge wash, rinse, and repeat cycle. The series has so much potential since it's basically Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Supernatural. I have grown tired of the whole Mircea and Cassie romance stint. I can only hope that Cassie will open her eyes and see that Pritkin is the one meant for her. While reading these novels you can't help but feel bad for him, because he is so obviously in love and falling for Cassie.

Main Trio

Cassandra Palmer- Main Heroine Chief Clairvoyant

Mircea- Vampire Master and Vampire Senate Member

John Pritkin- War Mage/Half-Incubi


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