Monday, April 29, 2013

Hiiro No Kakera Dai Ni Shou



I finally did it! I mustered up enough courage to watch and sit through this anime's 2nd season after the 1st season left such a bad taste in my mouth. At first the anime started off with a lame recap-like episode and for most of the 1st half of the season the story was very stale and it felt like a repeat of the 1st season. In the 2nd season there is a budding romance between the main heroine Tamaki and Takuma one of her guardians. Where this anime really takes off is the last half of the season where everything comes to a head and all of the epicness unfolds.  Finally, the guardians unlocked their true powers and Tamaki awakened as the Tamayori Hime. In the 2nd season I actually grew to like Tamaki even though she still had a naive air around her.


This anime especially towards the latter half of the season redeemed itself to a certain degree and it was definitely better than the 1st season which I gave a 6.0, but it doesn't change the fact that this anime at times is hard to sit through and isn't something that you would want to watch over and over again. For me it's just a watch once anime.

Score: 7.0

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