Sunday, April 14, 2013

Skip Beat Chap. 198+199 Thoughts

I think that Yoshiki Nakamura is building up to something big for the 200th chapter and these two chapters are leading up to that big event. Kyoko has finally admitted that she's in love with Ren, but as you all know she is scared to fall in love again due to her traumatizing experience with love when she was so in love with Sho. Kyoko at this point needs to wake up and smell the roses and try again at love. She needs to overcome her fear and not let a man that she was so blindly in love with spoil her other chances with men. She can't let that one bad event in her life continue to haunt her and control her for the rest of her life. She needs to give love a chance again, and see that it can turn out differently if she would just suck it up and be more upfront and honest with people about how she really feels about them.

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