Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Shipping Cafe #07

Final Fantasy XIII Series

Pairing: HopexLightning

History: Hopurai is my undying otp of the Final Fantasy XIII Series. I first started shipping them in the lst game despite the 7 year age difference, but in terms of shipping them romantically it was down the line when Hope was a little older say 18 years old, for example. Also, throughout the lst game you could really see Lightning's and Hope's relationship grow and develop right in front of your eyes, and I couldn't help but see that they had developed a special bond together. Now, when FFXIII-2 came out I was overjoyed with the news that Hope was a full-grown adult and was now 24/27. So, now I could properly ship Hope and Lightning together romantically, but my shipper's heart broke a little when I saw Hope's render for LR and I was very devastated in more ways than one. It was only thanks to the strong support and love of my fellow shipmates that I was able to overcome this devastating set-back thanks in part to hopurai dojinshis, fanfics, and fan-arts. So, till this day I still strongly continue to ship hopurai and will continue to do so and nothing or no one is going to stop me.

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