Monday, July 29, 2013

Summer Movie Round-Up

Below you will find a mini-overview of what I thought of some of the Summer movies that I was interested in or went to see in theaters.

Pacific Rim

When I went to see this movie I didn't have to many expectations for it to be honest but this film surprised me in a good way, and I actually enjoyed it a lot. So, I definitely think that if you haven't seen this movie yet you should go see it at least once while it's still playing in theaters.

The Lone Ranger

This movie had me bored to tears throughout most of the movie. There were just so many elements that did not mesh together well for this film and took away from the cinematic experience. I really did enjoy the final moments of the film with the fast-paced action sequences and hearing the lone ranger theme song was pretty cool. Overall, it isn't worth it to see this movie in theaters so don't even bother going to see it.

Man Of Steel

I really did enjoy Man of Steel for the most part despite it's flaws and it was a great reboot movie for the Superman character. Personally, I think that this movie was better than Iron Man 3.

Note: I originally was going to see The Wolverine, but opted out of seeing it and will view the movie at a later time.

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