Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Blood-C The Last Dark


I finally got around to watching this movie, and after viewing it I was left with many mixed feelings. I think that the whole Blood-C Series didn't live up to it's full potential and ultimately fell flat on it's face. The movie is hands down better than the whole anime series combined and tied up a lot of loose ends, but there were still many plot points that were left untouched and unexplained. The movie continues the story from where the anime left off and the end is somewhat unsatisfying to say the least. I also didn't like the girl crush that one of the female characters had on Saya throughout the movie it was just a little bizarre for me.

One of the themes of the series is the sick and twisted love that Fumito has for Saya and in a weird way because of it it's what also makes Fumito a great antagonist for the series. Kudos to him.


The whole series is a hard sell and doesn't really have that much going for it, but the movie is a good watch if you have any time to spare. Just skip watching the anime altogether and just only watch the movie and you'll be just fine.

Score: 7.5

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