Sunday, October 13, 2013

Legend of Korra: The Sting

In this episode, Masami was on the rise while Makorra continues to sink into the deep depths of the ocean waters. Varrick being a villian could be spotted from a mile away I already put it together when Mako suspected that the Northern Water tribe wasn't behind the bombing attack. I was glad that Bolin told Mako off after the past couple of episodes Mako acted like a jerk to him. Korra getting amnesia is a welcome change of pace hopefully we'll get good character building and development because as much as I hate to say it Korra is dragging her show down and has become very unlikable and that's very sad to see. This season has really become very predictable and has lost a lot of complexity that the lst season had done so well. It's such a shame to see how piss-pour the writing for this show has become... :( 

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