Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Winter Sonata Anime

I loved the Winter Sonata drama so much that I decided to watch the anime as well. At first, the anime was a carbon copy of the drama, but then it branched off and did it's own thing. The anime showed scenes that were mentioned or alluded to in the drama and even showed and showcased  it's own new story lines. For the most part the anime kept the core story of the drama in tact and made some changes that were for the better. I also think that the ending was more fulling and gave more closure to the story. My only major gripe about the anime was that I wished that it incorporated more of the original ost from the drama and not just the main theme song.

Score: 9.0

Winter Sonata

Contains SPOILERS!!!

I finally got around to watching one of the highly critically acclaimed k-dramas in history and I was not disappointed. I mean yeah, there was a lot of tears and crying and I think I've learned how to say I'm sorry in  Korean since you could practically make a montage of the multiple times the characters say that they're sorry in this drama. I can see why this drama is at the center of the Hallyu movement which is the spread of  Korean culture and entertainment. The story is heart-wrenching and moving and it even brought me to tears at the end, and I usually don't cry when I watch Asian dramas because it takes a lot for me to cry and in most Asian dramas it's been said and done before with there being a few exceptions. I really enjoyed watching this drama and even though it's 10+ years old it holds up really well.

The ost of this drama is superb and my top 3 favorite songs are: 

1. Only You - Ryu
2. From the Beginning Until Now - Ryu
3. My Memory - Ryu 

This drama really emphasizes how special your 1st love is and how painful it can be. The ending was great but I felt it was somewhat lacking and rather abrupt.

Score: 9.7

Monday, May 20, 2013

Essential Spider-Woman Vol.1 & Vol.2

Basically an essential volume helps you to get up to speed with your favorite marvel comic book characters and compiles multiple issues of their comic book issues. I've come to like spider-woman over the years and decided to pick up a copy of her essential volumes. I really enjoyed the 1st essential volume of her comic book issues and got really hooked into the stories.

Sadly, I can't say that I enjoyed the 2nd essential volume as much as I did the 1st volume. The stories felt very long and drawn out not in the good way. The issues were at times a hard read, and the ending was just botched in my opinion and lack luster.

Iron Man 3

I'll make this short and sweet. Iron Man 3 at best is a good movie but it has many flaws and one of the major flaws was the jaw-dropping twist in the movie. I personally just couldn't really get into this movie, but I did still enjoy it. I know Iron Man 2 gets a lot of bad flack from people, but personally I think that it's the best Iron Man movie out of the three Iron Man movies.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince

Not too long ago I finished watching this drama which is considered one of the must watch k-dramas around. It was pretty interesting and fun to watch overall. I share a special history with this k-drama because it's the 1st k-drama that I ever watched, but at the time I only watched the 1st episode of it only because I wasn't quite accustomed to k-dramas as back then I only watched j-dramas. It was the k-drama Boys Before Flowers that got me fully into k-dramas. As far as this drama goes yes, it does has some the common k-drama cliches such as love triangles, etc. One great aspect of the drama that I really enjoyed was the relationship between the workers or should I say "coffee princes" at the coffee house.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Kanojo Wa Uso Wo Aishisugiteru Manga

I kinda just checked this manga out on a whim and was met with a pleasant surprise. With this manga being a shojo manga I expected it to be full of the common shojo manga cliches, but it turns out it's not just you're typical shojo manga and in a way it's refreshing to read and it's also getting a live-action movie.

Memory Lane #04

Series: Xena: Warrior Princess

This show had a little bit of everything in it action, romance, friendship, and adventure. The theme song is memorable, the characters add different dynamics, and the show is great to watch in general. This show is part of some of my fond memories from my childhood.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Skip Beat Chapter 200

Skip Beat has finally reached it's 200th chapter!! Yoshihi Nakamura was building up to this chapter and to tell you the truth I was somewhat disappointed by the contents within this chapter. I mean on the bright side at least Kyoko is openly admitting her feelings for Ren to the reader and it's a start, but it seems that once Kyoko takes a step forward she just ends up taking two steps back and it can be really frustrating. At this point, Ren and Kyoko are just beating around the bush with their feelings for each other and I'm just sitting here yelling at my screen for them to get together already! The wait and long drawn out development is agonizing.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Book of the House of Gu

I am currently watching this K-drama called Gu Family Book and it's very good and entertaining. I've stayed away from K-dramas for quite some time because their extremely lengthy and pretty much K-dramas are filled with the same overused cliches, but this drama is very enlightening and kinda of in a weird way the Korean version of Inuyasha and if anything that is a major plus.