Friday, June 21, 2013

E3 2013 Special

E3 is now over and mostly everything that needed to be said is done and over. This year's e3 was the best e3 in a very long time and that's saying something especially after e3's 2012 lack luster showcase.

Microsoft vs Sony

These two press conferences were the main highlights of this year's e3 in more ways than one. Microsoft went first with their press conference and played it safe there wasn't really anything too surprising. Now, when it was Sony's turn for their press conference they basically gave the middle finger to Microsoft and it was an unbelievable occurrence. Sony's press conference was live, filled with energy, and they took care of business. Sony really cares about the consumers and game developers in general and it doesn't hurt that the ps4 is $100 cheaper than the clunky xbox one. There were surprise announcements made at Sony's press conference and the whole internet exploded with memes about the outcome of the two press conferences and they were hilarious. 

Click to view gif

In the future, out of the two next gen consoles I can happily say that I will definitely be getting a ps4 where most of the games that I'm interested in will be playable on and I personally just feel more comfortable and trust Sony more so over Microsoft.


This year Square-Enix came out in a big way revealing the long anticipated Final Fantasy Versus 13 that has now been re-named as Final Fantasy XV. It was great to see this game in such a long time and it's shaping up to be a great jrpg.

Another surprise was the announcement of the long awaited conclusion to the Xehanort Saga which is Kingdom Hearts 3. I've waited 7 years for this game and I thought that this day wouldn't come for a long time.

More info came out for LRFFXIII and this game is shaping up to be a great game as well. 

+ Lightning will have a lot of costumes to chose from over 100
+ The combat is more free flowing and fun
+ The game will tie up loose ends of the characters within the FFXIII universe
+ When you buy the game you will be buying a complete game
+ There will be no episodic dlc as dlc will more than likely only be more costumes and possibly weapons for Lightning

Other News

Bayonetta 2 was also shown off and I so wish that it was playable for other consoles other than the Wii U, but it's a situation that can't be helped.

A new Mirror's Edge was also presented and I'll be on the look out for this game when more info is released.


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