Thursday, June 20, 2013

Remember Me Mini-Review


Remember me is the perfect example of a game with great and interesting ideas that ultimately failed on it's execution. Overall the story of Remember Me is simple and to the point with heavy morality undertones. Nilin for the most part is a likable protagonist, and the future setting of Neo-Paris 2084 was interesting. The combat is wonky and a little all over the place, and the game developers thought that it was a good idea to only show off the underbelly of Neo-Paris 2084 instead of showing off the great visual prowess of Neo-Paris. The one interesting aspect of Remember Me is Nilin's ability to remix/essentially rewrite a person's memory since in this game everyone's memories are digitized. 


This game is a weekend rental at best it's not worth the $60 price tag. It possess great ideas and potential, but it fell short of the mark with it's poor execution. Remember is a decent game and if it had a more refined combat system it definitely could have turned out to be better game-play wise. The game is also on the short side so, if you're somewhat interested in this game pick it up when it's in the bargain bin.

Score: 7.0

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