Saturday, June 22, 2013

Vampire Knight Finale

The manga Vampire Knight has finally come to an end and 7 years of my life along with it. I first started reading vk in 2006 and was immediately drawn into it's world and art. To be honest I didn't really have too many expectations when reading this final chapter because I've felt that the story of Vampire Knight lost it's self after the conclusion of the Rido Arc and first half of the manga. After the whole time-skip thing Vampire Knight just was not as good as it used to be and just became a soap opera and angst fest, but being the loyal reader that I was I didn't drop this manga and continued to follow it. At first after reading the final chapter I was utterly disappointed and I couldn't believe that this was how the mangeka decided to end this story, but after letting it sink in and much thought I came to actually like the ending even though it was a safe and easy way out type of ending. 

Above all I'm glad that my otp ship Zeki became canon and I was so glad that Zero got a happy ending after  all of the bs he had to endure and suffer throughout this manga. The ending was definitely rushed there's no question about that. The two kids I think are personally both Zero's and Yuuki's and unless the author comes out and says otherwise that's what I'm going to stick with. Kaname on the other hand being turned into a human by Yuuki was somewhat excepted in a way, but in the end Kaname was given a 2nd shot at life while Zero and Yuuki are together in the afterlife and their children will continue to look after human Kaname. So all in all it was a decent way to end the manga albeit the cliches, and without further ado I bid my farewell to the manga Vampire Knight.

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