Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy


I am going to be giving my overall thoughts on the Final Fantasy XIII Series of games so far.

Final Fantasy XIII

This game first came out in Japan on December 17, 2009 and like a lot of people I was interested in the next-gen Final Fantasy games. Of course, I didn't really understand what was going on at the time because I don't speak Japanese, but the game was intriguing to me and looked amazing. At first, I thought that Snow and Lightning were the main romantic leads, but it turned out that they were not and in the end I was glad. Everything from the story, to the settings, characters, music pieces, and game-play mechanics were refreshing. FFXIII was the sole game that made me buy a ps3 and it holds a special place in my heart as it is also my 1st ps3 game. This game gets a lot of hate especially in the states for little to no reason in my opinion, but overall it is a solid jrpg.

Final Fantasy XIII-2

To be honest, I wasn't really excepting there to be a sequel to FFXIII because I thought that the story wrapped up pretty nicely at the end of FFXIII, but never the less I was excited at the news since I immensely enjoyed FFXIII. This game made it's debut in Japan on December 15, 2011 and this game was a waste of mass potential. At the time when you bought this game you bought an incomplete game, and you had to buy the story dlc to view the complete ending of the game and many people were pissed and upset about this. Also a number of people were not happy that Lightning was not the main playable character, and that she was just a supporting character. Personally, for me I liked the variety of different music present in this game compared to FFXIII, but FFXIII was still the better game overall between the two.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

This game is set to hit stores in Japan on November 21, 2013 and still not very much is known about it and it's contents, but this game just may well be the best game out of the trilogy. So far with all of the information that has come out for the game it seems that it's heading in the right direction, and also seems to be harder than the previous two entries in the series. I'll just have to reserve my full judgement until the game comes out and I play it and experience the game for myself.

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