Friday, August 23, 2013


Persona Series

I first was introduced to the Persona Series surprisingly and oddly enough through a Final Fantasy XIII-2 game demo on YouTube. In the comments someone commented that the music in the demo reminded them of the music in Persona 4. So, naturally my interest was piqued and I decided to check out this so called Persona 4 game and listened to the soundtrack of the game and thus the first game that I was introduced to in the Persona game series was Persona 4. I fell so in love with the music that I decided to actually watch a full walkthrough of the game and after that I've become a fan of the Persona series, and went on to eventually check out the other games in the Persona series.

The Persona series of games is a very unique and interesting jrpg. With it's intricate stories, characters, art style, and game-play mechanics that sets it apart from it's other jrpg counterparts.  

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Skip Beat Chapter 203

In this chapter, Kyoko comes to terms with her feelings for Ren and ultimately decides that she will continue to love him from afar, and keep her feelings for him to herself. I guess it's a good thing that Kyoko has finally acknowledged her romantic interest in Ren and her solution to the situation was a easy and obvious choice. The drama and angst seems to never end between these two. I hope that the both of them will have a bright future together and that we can finally reach a breaking point in this manga regarding their relationship.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Memory Lane #07

Avatar the Last Airbender

I really can't say it more than enough, but they just don't make animated shows like they used to. This show is a masterpiece within it's self everything from the story, to the characters, music, and art direction is superb.  

Monday, August 12, 2013

Veronica Mars

I only decided to watch this show because I was curious about it, and wanted to know why the fan base of this show felt so strongly about it. I can safely say that the show Veronica Mars has it's ups and downs, and it has an occasional mix of good and bad. First of I'd like to say that my overall favorite season of this show is hands down season 1. The other seasons felt disconnected to me and the characters weren't as tightly bound, and showed up little to none or were all over the place. I also sometimes found myself becoming extremely bored when watching some of the episodes. As far as Veronica's love life goes I really like her and Duncan together, and after that I like Veronica and Piz together. I really don't like Veronica and Logan together because it just spells unnecessary drama, angst, and disaster. I have this ominous feeling that Veronica and Logan will get back together again in the upcoming film and I cringe at the thought of it alone. The season that had the best finale was definitely season 2, followed by season 1, and than season 3. 


After watching all 3 seasons I guess I can kinda see why this show was popular around the time that it aired, but I really wished that Veronica took some form of martial arts, or at least carried a pistol or something with her when she works these sometimes life threatening and endangering cases because a little-bitty taser isn't going to cut it. 

Score: 7.5

Sunday, August 11, 2013

1 Year Anniversary

Today officially marks the 1 year anniversary of when I first started this blog.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Soul Eater Manga Finale

Well, another great manga series has come to an end. I really enjoyed reading Soul Eater and getting the chance to experience it's unique story, settings, and characters.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Shipping Cafe #08

Pairing: NoelxLightning
Series: Final Fantasy XIII

I fell in love with this ship from a very early stage. I unconsciously shipped these two together before the game even came out. I think the scene that really got me hooked onto this ship was the heart pounding scene where Lightning rescues Noel as he was falling into Valhalla. I know I'm in the minority when it comes to the FFXIII fandom about actually shipping this particular ship, and most people either ship Noel with Serah or Hope, but those ships just don't work for me. I think that Noel and Lightning have a special connection, and have a lot of untapped romantic potential. So, if Lightning doesn't end up with Hope the next best choice for her would be Noel hands down. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Deadman Wonderland

Just recently, this manga ended and therefore another great manga series has come to an end. I've also watched the anime for this manga, but the manga is hands down way better than the anime of course.