Monday, November 19, 2012

Hyoka/Hyouka Review

Hyoka Anime Review

This anime marks the first anime that I've watched and completed after going on my anime hiatus and I have mixed feelings regarding this anime in general. Over the past few months there was a bunch of buzz regarding this anime and in turn this anime peeked my interest but this anime didn't amaze me as I thought it would...

First starting off this anime overall is a good anime and I think that any anime-lover should at least watch it once. In the beginning, the anime was interesting and gripping but as the anime got to the middle of the story and towards the end of it's run it became really stagnant and boring to me. 


I loved the dynamics of the characters and the relationships that they have together through their interactions with each other since they are all in the same club together the Classics Club. In my opinion the 4 main characters' interactions with each other was one of the main highlights of this anime.

Houtarou and Eru

Satoshi and Mayaka


Overall, this is a good romance/mystery anime that hooks you in the beginning, but becomes less appealing and uninteresting towards the middle of the story and a little boring after a while but it's not a complete waste of your time.

Score: 8.2

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