Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sayonara Katekyo Hitman Reborn

A Beloved Series Comes to an End

Good-byes at times can be sad or painful and just this week a shonen series that I have come to love over the past 4 years or so manga has just concluded this week. I loved this series and all of it's characters the bonds and relationships that formed were beautifully written and even though KHR was a shonen title is was a nice refreshing take on the shonen genre and a nice change of pace from shonen titles like Bleach and Naruto for example. 

I know that people have mixed feels about the open-ended ending, but I think that the series overall covered everything that it needed to story-wise. The anime during it's run also was good and had a great ost. I wish Akira Amano Sensei  good luck on her next title/work.

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