Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Yume vs. Zeki Part I



There are slight spoilers read at your own risk!!!

With Vampire Knight seemingly according to a rumor is ending in March 2013 I found this a fitting time to post my thoughts on the two major driving ships within the series Yume and Zeki.

Where do I even begin with the ship that is known as Yume? Well starting off in the beginning of the Vampire Knight manga series I was torn between Yume and Zeki and didn't know which ship I preferred over the other. Until the Rido Kuran Arc when Kaname talked to Zero when he was in that underground cell. After that event I came to despise Kaname and therefore came to dislike the Yume ship. Kaname Kuran is a clever, calculating character and seems to know how to get people to do what he wants as he knows their weaknesses. Lately, in the VK fandom there seems to be a huge dislike of Yuuki and I can see where these people are coming from but when it comes to Yuuki I just analyze her unique upbringing and things just come into perspective for me. As seen multiple times during the manga Yuuki loves both Kaname and Zero and in turn they both love her dearly as well and from this we get our angst love triangle. During these past chapters that have come out and with Kaname being on his slayer mission of killing all of the Pure-blood vampires with the exception of Yuuki of course I don't really know where his feelings currently stand. At this point it seems he's abandoned Yuuki and in a sense has set her free as at one point he did call her a hindrance to his plans.


I think Kaname does still love Yuuki and cares for her but is super focused on his task of eliminating all of the Pure-blood vampires. Kaname has always done things behind the scenes for Yuuki's sake regardless of the mess that his actions will create later. Lately, I've been feeling that Kaname felt obligated to protect Yuuki since Haruka and Juuri Kuran wanted him too, but he never loved Yuuki as deep or like a true lover as he did the ancestress. 

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