Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Yume vs. Zeki Part II



There are slight spoilers read at your own risk!!!

I am deeply in love of this ship as this is my OTP of the Vampire Knight manga series.

Zero and Yuuki have so much history together and have for the most part supported each other in their times of need. Their love for each other is so tangible and obvious some times that it hurts. Just recently in the manga Yuuki admitted that she loves Zero as a lover not as family just to be clear here and I couldn't be anymore happier. Zero though initially had trouble conveying his feelings towards Yuuki, but his actions of affection towards her spoke louder than words. The main things for the most part that got in the way of this ship was Yuuki's incisiveness and Kaname Kuran's constant cock-blocking. Even though Zero and Yuuki have only kissed twice throughout the entire span of the manga so far I think that they have more than made up for that with the many intimate scenes that they've shared.


This ship has my full support as I feel that Zero and Yuuki are a match made in heaven. I hope with the manga supposedly ending soon that a Zeki ending will happen, but I'm scared as this is a tragedy-shoujo manga so anything can happen.  

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