Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Switch Girl

Just recently I decided to look into the J-Drama Switch Girl and I was pleasantly surprised. The adaptation from manga to live-action was superb and well put together. I haven't watched J-Dramas in a long time and as soon as I started watching this show I couldn't stop. I have finished the 1st season and will soon start watching the 2nd season. There is a lot of exaggeration in this drama which I believe was also present in the manga and you may find it cheesy at times but it's also hilarious too and adds to the drama. So, if you haven't watched Switch Girl yet I highly recommend it. The 1st season is super short as it only has 8 episodes.   

Shipping Cafe #01 WolverinexJean

Logan/WolverinexJean Grey

This ship is my OTP of the X-Men Universe. The dynamic and chemistry between Logan and Jean is uncanny. They have a very sensual and close relationship in the comics and their interactions with each other are always great and fun to witness. I just have so many feels for this ship.

DC Nation's Young Justice Cancelled?!

This week some news surfaced about the fate of this show and the current DC Nation's show line-up on Cartoon Network and sadly it seems that Young Justice has gotten the ax by the network. I guess this was coming seeing as the show couldn't continuously air on a consistent basis and always went on multiple long periods of hiatus. I'm sad that Young Justice may seemingly be cancelled as I thoroughly enjoyed the show the 1st season more so than the 2nd season during it's run. Green Lantern also got the ax, but the show wasn't all that good to me anyway so I didn't really care. Green Lantern and Young Justice will be replaced by a new Batman animated series that I can't recall the name of and Teen Titans Go.  

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Vampire Knight Chapter 89

Today was a sad day for all of us ZEKI shippers ): 
This manga in it's self is a tragedy in essence...

I don't even know what to think and feel about VK anymore. It seems as Yuuki wants to save Kaname from his eternal fate of being the new parent metal and succeeding the ancestress. Yuuki is willing to sacrifice her life in order for Kaname to be turned into a human. She erased her existence from Zero's memories so that his life will be easier on him and so his vampiric thirst will be quelled. While this may seem like a noble act on Yuuki's part it is also an incredibly selfish act. As I said in a previous post, I don't care for the Yume(KanamexYuuki) ship it's boring, lack luster, generic, uninteresting, or appealing to me. I think Zero's memories of Yuuki will definitely come back at some point for sure. I know a lot of people after reading this first chapter of the final arc of the manga decided to drop the manga in its entirety, but I'm going to read this manga all the way through till the end no matter how tragic or how things may turn out in the end.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Shipping Cafe

Very soon a new series that I've come up with will be starting soon it's called Shipping Cafe, and the series will consist of different ships within different mediums/media that I either support, dislike, etc.

Devil May Cry Overview

In my previous, post I reviewed the reboot of DMC and while I thought it was a good game for the most part I still like and prefer the original Dante and Devil May Cry games.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

DMC: Devil May Cry Mini-Review


I know when it was first announced that the Devil May Cry Series would be rebooted everyone's world seemed to have been turned upside down. At first I was adamantly against the new reboot of the DMC franchise, but as more trailers and information was released about the game I decided to have an opened-mind about the whole situation. After seeing and experiencing the game for myself I was quite impressed with the game overall. To be honest, I thought that this game would fall flat on it's face, but the game's execution proved me wrong. The Art Direction of this game is superb and amazing. The free-flowing combat is also varied and fun, but the one major grip about it is that there is not lock-on present at all in this game and that can at times be frustrating. The story was pretty good for the most part and so was the dialogue. I'm interested to see what direction Ninja Theory will take this game in if there is a sequel.

    I loved the relationship that developed between Dante and Kat over the course of the game and I like them not necessarily as a couple but as partners/companions.

This game was enjoyable overall and I personally thought is was a good reboot for the DMC Series. Yes, the game does have some rough spots and is different from it's predecessor but it's still a fun game.

Score: 9.0  

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Mini-Update

During this past week some new info has surfaced about LR:FFXIII and from what I've seen it seems like Square-Enix is so far going in the right direction for this game...

I like the idea of being able to customize Lightning's outfits and I can't wait until more are revealed. As for Lumina she is definitely Serah or some how related/connected to her. Also in the new extended trailer Noel Kreiss made a cameo.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Jormungand Review


As I was watching this anime I felt like I was watching a crossover between the animes Black Lagoon and Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom both of which are excellent animes. The whole dynamic of an arms dealer traveling around the world with her 9 bodyguards was a very interesting concept to me. All of her 9 bodyguards have exceptional skills and almost always leave the battle fray unscathed. I really enjoyed the story for the most part, but in some parts the story kind of dragged down for me. The OST is suburb with the various orchestral music tracks. The two main characters of this anime are Koko and Jonah and it was interesting seeing their relationship develop over the course of the series, but I have a major gripe with Jonah as a character overall for the most part he's okay, but for most of the time he just seemed devoid of any emotion and that was a little irksome for me but it didn't ruin my whole viewing experience.


This anime is a gun-blazing good time with a great story, anime OST, setting, and character dynamic.

Score: 9.2

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Good Ending Manga Finale

Another good manga has come to an end. Good Ending may seem or sound like a corny title, but it was an extreme joy for me when I was reading this manga. I first read it when only 70 chapters were out at the time, and as I was reading it I became deeply immersed within the story and the characters. At times the drama just seemed never ending, but the ending of the manga was of course no surprise a good ending. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Skip Beat Chapter 196

Slowly but surely Skip Beat is moving towards the pivotal conflicting aspects of the story which include Kyoko's reluctance to fall in love again and how she's I guess in a way unknowingly falling in love with Ren and is on the verge of admitting it and resolving Tsuruga Ren's dark past. This chapter concluded Kyoko's semi-strip tease as Setsuka with Cain and was an overall entertaining chapter. At the end of the chapter it seems that Ren has finally come to accept his dark past and his past actions when he still went by the name Kuon. I hope from now the story will pick up as this manga tends to linger on some things for a little longer than it should but that's just how the author seems to like to operate.