Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Psychic Detective Yakumo


After I completed watching this anime I felt empty inside, unsatisfied and unfilled. This anime overall was kinda MEH to me, but had an interesting premise and story plot. The main character Yakumo Saitou for the most part was interesting character, and the power that his red eye has adds to his dynamic as an interesting  character. Haruka his troublesome partner on the other hand was an alright character for the most part but didn't really add anything to the mix.


This anime was mediocre to me at best. During some parts it was really interesting and gripping while at other times parts fell short and were utterly uninteresting.

Score: 7.0

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hanasaku Iroha


Summary: Hanasaku Iroha centers around Ohana Matsumae, a 16-year-old teenager living in Tokyo, who is left in the care of her estranged grandmother, following her mother's elopement with her boyfriend. Ohana arrives at her grandmother's country estate to realize she is the owner of a Taishō period hot spring inn called Kissuisō. She begins working at Kissuisō, at her grandmother's request, but finds herself at odds with many employees and customers at the inn. Initially feeling discouraged, she decides to use her circumstances as an opportunity to change herself for the better and to make amends with her deteriorating relationship with the Kissuisō's staff for a more prominent future.

This anime was great and fun to watch in general. The main character Ohana was a great lead and it was fun to watch her growth from the beginning of the anime to the end of the anime. Every character who worked at the inn had various personalities and they were not bland characters in the least. The story and animation was well executed and this anime really does shine.


This was one of the driving romances in the anime and what can I say? These two are cute together and they are the pure essence of teen romance.

These two are also cute together and I loved their interactions with each other, but as much as I liked them together I hate to admit their relationship had more of an elder brother and younger sister vibe and we have Minko who already had eyes for Tohru romantically. Tohru and Ohana is kinda of my OTP of this show, but I don't have anything against Koichi.


This anime is a definite watch as it is refreshing coming of age story with hints of romance, comedy and drama. Also, it doesn't hurt that the animation is absolutely gorgeous. 

Score: 9.0

Vampire Knight Chapter 88


This chapter of VK gave me so many FEELS and not in a good way. This is just my opinion but I want to say as of chapter 87 that Zeki is canon at this point. I think that the Yume ship is beyond the point of no return as Kaname has buried himself in a huge hole that he cannot get out of with the path that he is currently taking. The chapter was overall good and emotional, but I really did not like the end of the chapter with Yuuki seemingly erasing Zero's memories of her existence. I was just like no Yuuki don't blow a hole in my ship, but as a dedicated reader of the Vampire Knight series I will just have to see where the story will go from here and what lies at the end of this tragic tale. Vampire Knight will be starting from the next chapter coming out in January it's final story arc. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Arcana Famiglia


Here we go again another otome game that was adapted into an anime tv series. This will be quick and short to put it simply it's just hard to make an otome game anime adaption per-se that has a fully developed or developing  plot and story development, but I will say that Arcana Famiglia was way better than Hiiro no Kakera hands down. Also, there were actual back stories for the male suitors in this anime and they were not just eye-candy. So, I was happy on that aspect and another shocker was that the plot even though it was basic and one-dimensional at times actually went somewhere even though there were some cop-outs during and mostly towards the end of the anime series plot-wise.


Obviously, this type of genre of anime isn't everyone's cup of tea being a reverse-harem and all, but it was a fairly good attempt of one with an actual story and some plot development, and if you have some free-time on your hands may want to check it out.

Score: 7.8

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Yume vs. Zeki Part II



There are slight spoilers read at your own risk!!!

I am deeply in love of this ship as this is my OTP of the Vampire Knight manga series.

Zero and Yuuki have so much history together and have for the most part supported each other in their times of need. Their love for each other is so tangible and obvious some times that it hurts. Just recently in the manga Yuuki admitted that she loves Zero as a lover not as family just to be clear here and I couldn't be anymore happier. Zero though initially had trouble conveying his feelings towards Yuuki, but his actions of affection towards her spoke louder than words. The main things for the most part that got in the way of this ship was Yuuki's incisiveness and Kaname Kuran's constant cock-blocking. Even though Zero and Yuuki have only kissed twice throughout the entire span of the manga so far I think that they have more than made up for that with the many intimate scenes that they've shared.


This ship has my full support as I feel that Zero and Yuuki are a match made in heaven. I hope with the manga supposedly ending soon that a Zeki ending will happen, but I'm scared as this is a tragedy-shoujo manga so anything can happen.  

Yume vs. Zeki Part I



There are slight spoilers read at your own risk!!!

With Vampire Knight seemingly according to a rumor is ending in March 2013 I found this a fitting time to post my thoughts on the two major driving ships within the series Yume and Zeki.

Where do I even begin with the ship that is known as Yume? Well starting off in the beginning of the Vampire Knight manga series I was torn between Yume and Zeki and didn't know which ship I preferred over the other. Until the Rido Kuran Arc when Kaname talked to Zero when he was in that underground cell. After that event I came to despise Kaname and therefore came to dislike the Yume ship. Kaname Kuran is a clever, calculating character and seems to know how to get people to do what he wants as he knows their weaknesses. Lately, in the VK fandom there seems to be a huge dislike of Yuuki and I can see where these people are coming from but when it comes to Yuuki I just analyze her unique upbringing and things just come into perspective for me. As seen multiple times during the manga Yuuki loves both Kaname and Zero and in turn they both love her dearly as well and from this we get our angst love triangle. During these past chapters that have come out and with Kaname being on his slayer mission of killing all of the Pure-blood vampires with the exception of Yuuki of course I don't really know where his feelings currently stand. At this point it seems he's abandoned Yuuki and in a sense has set her free as at one point he did call her a hindrance to his plans.


I think Kaname does still love Yuuki and cares for her but is super focused on his task of eliminating all of the Pure-blood vampires. Kaname has always done things behind the scenes for Yuuki's sake regardless of the mess that his actions will create later. Lately, I've been feeling that Kaname felt obligated to protect Yuuki since Haruka and Juuri Kuran wanted him too, but he never loved Yuuki as deep or like a true lover as he did the ancestress. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sakamichi no Apollon


This anime is hands down one of the best animes that I have seen in a long time. The music elements in-twined with the romance and drama elements were sensational. From the music to the story and to the characters everything was beautifully animated and written. This anime at some parts had me tearing up with some of the events that happened in the story.


This anime is a much watch the music, ost, characters and story is beautiful and hooks you in.

Score: 9.3

Hyoka/Hyouka Review

Hyoka Anime Review

This anime marks the first anime that I've watched and completed after going on my anime hiatus and I have mixed feelings regarding this anime in general. Over the past few months there was a bunch of buzz regarding this anime and in turn this anime peeked my interest but this anime didn't amaze me as I thought it would...

First starting off this anime overall is a good anime and I think that any anime-lover should at least watch it once. In the beginning, the anime was interesting and gripping but as the anime got to the middle of the story and towards the end of it's run it became really stagnant and boring to me. 


I loved the dynamics of the characters and the relationships that they have together through their interactions with each other since they are all in the same club together the Classics Club. In my opinion the 4 main characters' interactions with each other was one of the main highlights of this anime.

Houtarou and Eru

Satoshi and Mayaka


Overall, this is a good romance/mystery anime that hooks you in the beginning, but becomes less appealing and uninteresting towards the middle of the story and a little boring after a while but it's not a complete waste of your time.

Score: 8.2

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Code Breaker

New Beginnings

Since Reborn ended it's departure has left a void inside of my heart and therefore I've been on the lookout for new shounen manga titles to fill that void, and Code Breaker is a manga that I became interested in because of the plot and anime that was just recently released. Also, just recently I've caught up to the manga and the story has many twists and turns lingering within it so, I look forward to the events as they unravel throughout the story.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sayonara Katekyo Hitman Reborn

A Beloved Series Comes to an End

Good-byes at times can be sad or painful and just this week a shonen series that I have come to love over the past 4 years or so manga has just concluded this week. I loved this series and all of it's characters the bonds and relationships that formed were beautifully written and even though KHR was a shonen title is was a nice refreshing take on the shonen genre and a nice change of pace from shonen titles like Bleach and Naruto for example. 

I know that people have mixed feels about the open-ended ending, but I think that the series overall covered everything that it needed to story-wise. The anime during it's run also was good and had a great ost. I wish Akira Amano Sensei  good luck on her next title/work.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Resident Evil 6 Mini-Review/Aeon

Resident Evil 6 Mini-Review/Thoughts

I'm going to start off by saying by I love the Resident Evil Series and that I am probably part of the small fraction of people who doesn't mind the direction that the newer generation of Resident Evil games are going in which is more action-oriented, but of course I also like the classic survival horror style of the Resident Evil games too so I'm not overly nit-picky about the situation. Overall, I enjoyed the story of Resident Evil 6 immensely and was hooked into the story I also greatly enjoyed the the overlapping and intersecting of the characters' story arcs.

Break Down By Campaigns

Chris and Piers

Out of all of the campaigns the Chris and Piers campaign was the one that I liked the least. I guess because it was the weakest story wise and I'm not the biggest Chris Redfield fan in general, but the ending of this campaign moved me to tears.

Verdict: Overall 8.5

Jake and Sherry

I loved this pair as they came into their own throughout the game and they have great chemistry together. The ending for their campaign was cute and it was great seeing Sherry in action holding her own and keeping up with Jake. They balance each other out therefore their campaign was overall balanced.

Verdict: Overall 8.8

Leon and Helena

Leon's and Helena's campaign was my 2nd favorite of the entire game as it mixed just the right amount of action with the classic elements and horror tone of the classic Resident Evil games. I love Helena as a character and she grew on me as the story unfolded and Leon was just as awesome as always.

Verdict Overall 9.3


Ada's campaign was my overall favorite campaign from Resident Evil 6. Her campaign tied the other 3 stories together and Ada is just a bad-ass in general what more do I need to say?

Verdict: Overall 9.5


Aeon is my OTP of the Resident Evil Series. I just have so many FEELS for this ship and even though I didn't get as much Leon and Ada interaction in this game as I would have liked I am still content with what interactions they did have throughout the game. People can deny it all they want but you cannot ignore that there are strong feelings between Leon and Ada for each other and this game furthermore cements that and their relationship. Leon and Ada care for each other deeply and would sacrifice their life just to save the other. They are two sides of the same coin.